작은 오해의 다툼으로 우리는 부서져있고잦은 다툼이 익숙해서 다시 돌려 놓을 수 없고무너진 그리고 숨겨진 우리 좋은 기억은 상처 การแปล - 작은 오해의 다툼으로 우리는 부서져있고잦은 다툼이 익숙해서 다시 돌려 놓을 수 없고무너진 그리고 숨겨진 우리 좋은 기억은 상처 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

작은 오해의 다툼으로 우리는 부서져있고잦은 다툼이 익숙해서 다시

작은 오해의 다툼으로 우리는 부서져있고
잦은 다툼이 익숙해서 다시 돌려 놓을 수 없고
무너진 그리고 숨겨진 우리 좋은 기억은 상처가 아니길
다 지워지겠지 함께한 날들도
그저 오래된 신발끈처럼 그냥 잊혀지겠지
또 흘러가겠지 남겨진 시간도
등을 돌리고 서로 모른 척
그냥 살아가겠지
우리 남겨진 기억들은 다 덜어 내주기로 해
쉽지 않은 다른 만남을 강요는 말았으면 해
다르게 서로가 지워낼 조금 다른 방법은
다 이해해주길
다 지워지겠지 함께한 날들도
그저 오래된 신발끈처럼 그냥 잊혀지겠지
또 흘러가겠지 남겨진 시간도
등을 돌리고 서로 모른 척
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
We destroyed by a small misunderstanding and strife
frequent strife iksukhaeseo can not put it back good memories
collapsed and hidden, we cleared the wound is that n

'll also hamkkehan days just like an old shoe laces
The passing'll'll just forget Turn left each time, and pretend

We'll just carry memories are left to make room to ease
is not easy if not have another meeting to push each other
Unlike some other way be erased
You to understand is there

is cleared'll hamkkehan days just like an old shoe laces'll just forget

The passing of time, and turn left'll pretend not to know each other
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
A little misleading as the fallout we are broken and can be put back in to get used to the frequent disputes with
collapsed and hidden is not wound our good memories would be erased with one day
just forgotten, just like an old shoestring pulling
also I suppose going down swinging with each other, such as the Act also left

just remember we left alive would relieve my cycles are
is not easy to do in other encounters with each other, differently from the ROK would force wiped out a little different way

I do understand everything is erased and the days with
just forgotten, just like an old shoestring pulling
also I suppose going down swinging with each other, such as the Act also left

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Battle of the little misunderstanding, we are broken, and top
frequent disputes are accustomed to put it back again, and could not fall back to top
our hidden and a good memory is not the wound will be erased. back to top
road with just days to go, like an old shoe laces will be forgotten, and drifted back to top
back to top
time left Will Be Turning his back to top
just ignore each other living back to top
we will be left behind, the memories it has decided to give it back to top
less easy to force other words differently back to top
I wiped out each other a little the other way back to top
It will be erased. back to top
entirety with just days to go, like an old shoe laces will be forgotten, and drifted back to top
back to top
time left will turn their back and ignore each other back to top
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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