박광현이 최강희와의 결혼 장면에 대해 입을 열었다.박광현은 1월 31일 방송된 YTN '뉴스앤이슈-이슈앤피플'에 출연해 최강희 การแปล - 박광현이 최강희와의 결혼 장면에 대해 입을 열었다.박광현은 1월 31일 방송된 YTN '뉴스앤이슈-이슈앤피플'에 출연해 최강희 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

박광현이 최강희와의 결혼 장면에 대해 입을 열었다.박광현은 1월

박광현이 최강희와의 결혼 장면에 대해 입을 열었다.

박광현은 1월 31일 방송된 YTN '뉴스앤이슈-이슈앤피플'에 출연해 최강희와의 결혼 신에 대해 언급했다.

박광현은 15년간의 연기경력 동안 총 4번의 결혼식을 치렀다고. 앵커가 "누구와 결혼할 때 가장 좋았냐"고 묻자 박광현은 최강희를 꼽았다. 박광현은 "극 중 나와 최강희는 백일동안 계약연애를 하다 진짜 사랑으로 발전되는 캐릭터였다. 그래서 서로의 과거를 품어안고 결혼하는 내용이었다"고 말하며 이유를 밝혔다. 박광현은 최강희와 지금도 연락을 할 정도로 돈독한 사이를 유지하고 있다고 덧붙였다.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Park Kwang-hyun, Choi Kang-hee and opened up about the marriage scene.

Park Kwang-hyun is January 31 televised YTN ' News & issues-issues and peoples ' appearance on Choi Kang-Hee spoke about the marriage of God with.

Park Kwang-hyun is a total of 4 times during 15 years of acting career took the wedding of and. If the anchor is "one of the most liked to marry whom?" he asked Park Kwang hyun CHOI Kang-Hee. Park Kwang-hyun came out of the "pole-Choi Kang-Hee is the hundred days was developed into a genuine love relationship contract is a character. So embrace each other's past was born to marry, "he said, which is why saying. Park Kwang hyun CHOI Kang-hee and still keep in touch and maintain a strong enough to have added that between.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Choi Kang-hee and bakgwanghyeon is opened for the marriage scene. bakgwanghyeon the January 31 broadcast YTN 'News and Issue - Issue and People "appeared on Choi Kang-hee talked about marriage with God. bakgwanghyeon a 15-year acting career he played a total of four times during the wedding. Anchor "who do the most good, Nha married," he replied to bakgwanghyeon is cited Choi Kang-hee. Bakgwanghyeon is "out of extreme love, Choi Kang-hee is a contract for one hundred days to really love the character development was so married to each other, hold the contents of the past were born," he said, saying why. Choi Kang-hee is still in touch with bakgwanghyeon is enough to maintain cordial between, he said.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The Park Kwang-Hyun Choi Kang-hee for marriage scene. Top
Park Kwang-hyun is January 31 YTN broadcast news & issues - issues through videotapes, appeared on her marriage with people mentioned about God. back to top
Park Kwang-hyun has been acting for 15 years of a total of four rounds of wedding. anchor, "Who is best when I married "Park Kwang-Hyun asked through videotapes of the uproar. Park Kwang-Hyun said, "The drama and Choi Kang-hee of the contract for making love to a real love of the character development.In the past, so each other's arms, and it was getting married to say, "Why, said. The Park Kwang-Hyun Choi Kang-hee and still communicate between strong enough to maintain the added.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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