이제 첫클로즈베타이지만 새로운 장르의 온라인 게임이라서 기대가 됩니다. 개인적인 생각이지만 인스턴스 상, 성 있는 지역이 따뜻 การแปล - 이제 첫클로즈베타이지만 새로운 장르의 온라인 게임이라서 기대가 됩니다. 개인적인 생각이지만 인스턴스 상, 성 있는 지역이 따뜻 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

이제 첫클로즈베타이지만 새로운 장르의 온라인 게임이라서 기대가

이제 첫클로즈베타이지만 새로운 장르의 온라인 게임이라서 기대가 됩니다. 개인적인 생각이지만 인스턴스 상, 성 있는 지역이 따뜻한 기후인듯한대. 따른지역에서도 스타팅이 가능하게 하는건 어떨까요??
가령 눈 있는 지역의 성에서는 광물이 좀 더 생산이 되기는하지만, 식량이 부족하던지
사막지역에서는 좀 희귀자원이 나오기는 하지만 기초 자원이 부족하다던지 등 각 스타팅에 패널티와 이점을 넣으면 좀 더 유저간의 교류가 활발 하지 않을까 생각됩니다. 물론 이제 막 걸음을 시작한게임에게 바라는 점이 많을지 모르지만;; 성공적인 테스트를 기원 합니다.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The first closed beta now, but a new genre of online games is expected yiraseo. Instance, but on the personal thoughts, sexual indeut one in warm climate regions. Possibly starting in the area what about haneungeon??
For example, in the area of ​​sex in snow minerals to produce a little more, although the lack of food, no matter
I come out in the desert region of scarce resources, but lack the basic resources, such as throwing the benefits of each and put a penalty on starting a more active exchange between the user would not be thinking. Of course, I just started the game a little, but not a lot to expect;; should pray for a successful test.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Now that the first closed beta, but I am looking forward to a new genre of online games. Personal opinion is a warmer climate in the area is the instance awards, is like having sex. Even in the starting area according to this possibly??
For example, in the eyes of local provincial minerals and a lack of food, but a little more production or
The desert region, some rare resources but lack the basic resources at the each of the starting penalty throw and put it a little more user benefits would be exchanges between them. Of course, now I just want to start step game points but;; I wish you a successful test.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Now the first beta, but new genres of an online game, so expect. For instance, personal, the area after a warm-up. In the starting lineup is now available to you? Back to top
For example, the eyes of the local people in the production of the more minerals but short throw, back to top
Some desert areas, the rare resources based on the resources, but lack of starting pitching, and the panel, and if you put this more active exchange between users might think that. Of course, just steps to start the game, but there are many, but I don't know;; successful test origin.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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