I have been engaged in full-time security work for a year, serving building tenants, housing departments, patrols, helping postal tenants open doors, giving household goods (calendars, garbage bags) to deal with household complaints (noisy, air-conditioner dripping, cleaning) disinfection doorways, 䢂, sticking protective glue, replacing The Housing Department sent letters to 戸, posted notices, put up posters in the underground lobby, and before the Housing Department came to patrol the building, informed the occupants to collect all the debris at the door into the house, and the visitors registered (maintenance personnel, decoration personnel, delivery personnel, visitors) to answer the tenants and sign the package , borrow a key to register, open the fire gate, let police cars, cars, ambulances in and out, water meters, electricity meters,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..