The great deceiver deceiver decided ... 'Jem' ㅜ aftershock renamed renamed finally decided to Enjoy. back to top
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the official sponsor of the deceiver aftershocks phrase "many fans' recently accepted a request of a deceiver, Jem decided to change. back to top
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born in 1997, 19 years old this year, the third grade high school at an early age, Jingu, despite the warmth of the deep voice appearance, fans, "His sister" sound.When I was young, but old as well as the 'ideal brother "itself deceiver, many women have enjoyed "aftershock' renamed 'Jem deceiver I hope. I'm sure your brother Jem, I don't don't know what to do" and appealed to frustration. back to top
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according to the agency, the current 'deceiver deceiver's brother renamed preparing for. However, when you operate as an actor 'Jem' instead of the deceiver deceiver, will the name.
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