[인터뷰] ‘후아유-학교2015’ 남주혁, 신인 배우의 ‘풋풋+열정’..매력 UP!브레이크뉴스 이경미 기자= 최근 종영한 KB การแปล - [인터뷰] ‘후아유-학교2015’ 남주혁, 신인 배우의 ‘풋풋+열정’..매력 UP!브레이크뉴스 이경미 기자= 최근 종영한 KB อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

[인터뷰] ‘후아유-학교2015’ 남주혁, 신인 배우의 ‘풋풋+

[인터뷰] ‘후아유-학교2015’ 남주혁, 신인 배우의 ‘풋풋+열정’..매력 UP!

브레이크뉴스 이경미 기자= 최근 종영한 KBS 2TV 드라마 ‘후아유-학교2015’에서 완벽 싱크로율 한이안 역을 맡아 열연을 펼친 신인 배우 남주혁을 에서 만나봤다.

‘후아유-학교2015’에는 남주혁을 비롯해 배우 김소현, 육성재, 이필모, 이다윗, 김희정, 이초희, 조수향, 전미선, 이대연, 전노민 등이 출연했다.

남주혁이 출연한 KBS 대표 브랜드 ‘학교’ 시리즈의 2015년 버전 ‘후아유-학교2015’는 하루 아침에 인생이 바뀐 열여덟 살 여고생을 주인공으로 학생들이 겪는 솔직하고 다양한 감성을 담아낸 청춘 학원물이다.

남주혁은 극중 세강고 수영 선수 한이안 역을 맡았다. 그는 극 초반 소꿉친구 고은별(김소현 분)을 짝사랑하지만, 이후 고은별인 척하는 쌍둥이 동생 이은비(김소현 분)를 좋아하게 된다. 공태광(육성재 분)과 함께 삼각관계를 이루면서도, 쌍둥이 자매 사이에서 갈등하는 모습을 보여 마지막까지 러브라인에 대한 궁금증을 자아냈다.

직접 만난 남주혁은 신인 배우의 풋풋함과 열정을 느낄 수 있는 남자였다. 20대 초반 나이, 앞으로 발전 가능성이 무궁무진한 그의 이야기를 들어보자.

다음은 남주혁과의 일문일답.

후아유-학교2015’ 종영 소감.

아직 실감이 안 난다. 빨리 촬영을 해야 할 것 같다. 일단 드라마가 끝나고 나서 되게 많은 관심을 받게 돼서 감사하게 생각한다. ‘후아유-학교2015’라는 작품을 통해 ‘배우로서 연기를 앞으로 어떻게 해야 될까’ 하는 단점을 고치려고 노력하고 있는 상태니 조금만 기다려주시면 감사하겠다.

‘후아유-학교2015’를 평가하자면.

95점 정도 주고 싶다. 5점은 나의 실수다. 워낙 학교라는 작품이 신인 배우들이나 알려지지 않은 배우들 인지도를 높여주기로 유명하다. 많이 부족했지만 너무나 좋은 작품 만나서 감사하게 생각하고 있다.

‘후아유-학교2015’에서 한이안 캐릭터와 싱크로율.

80% 정도 된다. 운동선수에서만 나오는 그 나이 또래보다는 더 어른스러운 점과 운동을 하고 다치고 하는 부분이 비슷했다. 실제로 장난기도 많다. 그래서 상대방들이 장난기 많은 친구나 동생으로 봐주더라. 동생들한테는 편한 형이다. 나름 진지해 보이고 듬직해 보이는 형이 되고 싶은데.

다른 점은 한이안은 심각할 정도로 혼자 너무 진지했던 캐릭터였다. 학창시절에는 한이안처럼 진지하지 못했다. 공태광이랑 더 비슷했다.

본인 연기에 만족하나.

은별, 은비한테 화를 내는 장면처럼 감정신 같은 부분이 많이 아쉬웠다. 표현을 잘 못한 것 같다. 다시 연기하면 90% 더 잘할 수 있을 것 같다.

가장 기억에 남는 조언은 무엇인가.

감독님들한테 조언을 많이 얻었다. 제일 큰 조언은 ‘너답게 자신감 있게 해라, 다 같은 편이니까 네가 하고 싶은 것 다 해라’였다. 또 감독님이 ‘20대 배우에게는 한계가 없다고 생각한다. 너도 흡수를 하고 있는 것 같다. 걱정과 우려로 시작했지만 좋게 발전하고 있어서 뿌듯하다’고 하셔서 자신감이 높아졌다.

‘후아유-학교2015’ 제작발표회 때 두 번째 작품이라서 설레기보다 부담이 더 든다고 했다. 부담감은 극복했는지.

7, 8회 때부터 부담감을 극복했다기보다는 편해졌다는 생각을 했다. 그래서 연기가 수월해진다고 생각할 때 쯤 교통사고로 멘붕에 빠졌다. 한시도 부담감을 놓지 말아야겠다고 생각했다. 즐기면서도 부담감을 함께 가져갔던 작품이었다.

배우들과의 호흡은.

소현이랑은 너무 잘 맞았다. 나이 차이 전혀 안 느껴졌다. 소현이가 어른스럽기도 했고, 나를 바보 같은 오빠라고 놀렸다. 호흡도 정말 잘 맞았다. 소현이가 워낙 착하다. 정말 은비 그 자체였다.

성재랑은 공통점이 있는데, 워낙 둘 다 게임을 좋아한다. 게임 얘기도 하고, 운동 얘기도 하고 그러다 보니까 너무 친해졌다.

촬영장 분위기도 좋았을 것 같다.

너무나 좋았다. 촬영을 해야 하는데, 너무 떠들었다. 교실에 있는 학생들처럼 떠들어서 촬영이 잠깐 못 들어간 적도 있었다. 감독님이 10초만 조용히 하자고 했는데도 다시 시끄러워졌다.

극중에서 고은별이 아니라 이은비인 걸 알아차렸을 때와 고은별이 돌아왔을 때 어떤 마음으로 연기했나.

정말 멘붕적인 연기였다. 상상할 수 없는 일이 벌어진 거라서 너무나 허무한 마음에 연기를 했던 것 같다. 화가 난다기보다 말도 안 되는 상황이라 어처구니가 없었다.

고은별과 이은비 중 이상형에 더 가까운 캐릭터는.

은비다. 지켜주고 싶고 챙겨주고 싶고 보호해 주고 싶다. 은별이는 혼자서 잘 살아남을 것 같다. 은비 같은 친구가 내 이상형이다.

도전해 보고 싶은 작품이나 캐릭터가 있나.

대만 영화 중에 ‘그 시절 우리가 좋아했던 소녀’ 그런 느낌의 영화나 드라마를 찍어 보고 싶다. 풋풋한 사랑 아니면 완전 반대되는 캐릭터로 싸이코패스를 연기해 보고 싶기도 하다.

나를 순진하고 착한 소년 이미지로 보시기 때문에 거기서 반전으로 너무나 완벽하게 소화한다면 저를 재발견할 수 있는 기회가 되지 않을까 싶다. 전쟁 영화도 찍어보고 싶다.

만약 하고 싶은 작품을 만나게 된다면 누구와 함께 하고 싶은지.

만약 로맨스를 다시 찍는다면 김소현과 찍고 싶다. ‘후아유-학교2015’ 작품에서는 깨끗하지 못한 약간의 자매를 사랑하는 남자가 돼버려서 한 여자만을 위한 고등학생 멜로를 찍어보고 싶다.

스릴 넘치는 작품은 조진웅 선배님이나 대선배님들과 해 보고 싶다. 조진웅 선배님이 나온 ‘끝까지 간다’를 보면서 굉장히 충격을 받았다. 소름이 돋을 정도로 정말 눈여겨봤던 캐릭터다. 감탄을 하면서 봤던 영화라서 그런 캐릭터를 연기한 선배님과 함께 한다면 얼마나 소름이 끼칠까. 선배님한테 빠져서 따라갈 것 같은 느낌이 들더라.

롤모델은 누구인가.

유아인 선배님과 공유 선배님이다. 능청스러운 연기면 능청스러운 연기, 액션이면 액션, 멜로면 멜로 여러가지 연기를 너무 잘하신다. 그런 배우가 되고 싶다. 어디 하나 들어가도 부족함 없는 배우가 되고 싶다.

가장 행복한 순간은 언제.

배우로서 가장 행복한 순간은 당연히 연기할 때다. 연기를 내 스스로 한 번씩 느낌 좋다고 생각할 때가 있는데, 그때가 너무 좋다. 확 와닿는 순간들이 행복하다. 인간 남주혁일 때는 부모님과 친구들이 어린시절 우려했던 거랑 다르게 너무나 잘 컸다고 할 때 행복하더라.

앞으로 대중들에게 어떤 배우로 보이고 싶나.

배우로서 정말 연기 잘한는 소리를 듣고 싶다. 그냥 모든 사람들이 남주혁이 나온다고 할 때 기대가 되는 배우가 되고 싶다. 그 정도로 되기 위해 아직 어린 만큼 시간이 많은데, 많이 노력해서 30대 안에는 그 말을 들어보고 싶다.

인생의 목표는 무엇인지.

일단 지금은 내년 안에 부모님한테 아파트를 사드리는 게 목표다. 배우로서는 끝을 봐야 되니까 정말 기억에 오래 남는 좋은 배우가 되고 싶다. 내년에 아파트는 실행할 수 있을 것 같다.

마지막으로 팬들에게 한마디.

모델 할 때부터 좋아해 주신 팬분들도 그렇고 끝까지 응원해 주신 팬분들이 많다. 앞으로도 보여줄 게 많으니까 기대해 달라. 멋진 배우, 모델이 될 테니 끝까지 지켜봐주시면 감사하겠다. 실망 안 시켜드리겠다.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
[Interview] "Hua-Yu-school amateur actors, ' Nam ' 2015 foot foot + passion ' ... Charm UP!A slight break news reporter after a recent KBS 2TV drama ' final = Ayu-a perfect sink rate in 2015 ' school did not take rolled out a rookie actor Nam-Joo-hyuk to meet in <브레이크뉴스>. "Hua-Yu-school 2015 ' Nam-Joo-hyeok, actor g.w., foster, Phil, David, Kim Hee-Jung, Cho-Hee, Cho Hyang, jeon MI-Seon, Lee Dae-Yeon, ex-residents, etc. M represents the brand a starring Joo-hyuk KBS ' school ' series of 2015 version ' Hua-Yu-school changed the life in a day in 2015 ' eighteen year old schoolgirl protagonists suffer as students at a variety of sensibilities and Youth Academy. Nam-Joo hyuk is one of three rivers and swimmer Ian station. He is a pole early in childhood and is rated (g.w. County minutes) crush, but since this is the star and smug twin sister (Kim Hyun-min) is like. Ball and Tae Kwang (foster subdivision) love triangle with new, twin sisters to the conflict between a love until the end of the line for curiosity raised. Direct output to the input of the actors of the South met with the rookie Joo-hyuk could feel passionate man. In my early 20 's age, future development will likely explore and hear his story. The following is an interview with Nam-Joo-hyuk. Hua Yu-school 2015 ' final impression. Not yet been realised. It seems that you need to shoot fast. Once the drama to much attention after the catches be grateful. "Hua-Yu-school by 2015 through the work called ' acting as an actor what to do next would be the downside to trying to fix the State, please wait a bit thanks. ' Hua-Yu-school review in 2015 '. 95 points to give the degree. 5 point is my mistake. So called amateur actors or unknown actors and the school works, raising the awareness of the cycle. Great to see so much good work but lack a lot of grateful. "Hua-Yu-school in 2015 ' Ian characters and the sink rate. It is 80 percent. Athlete than that age comes only in the adult part of the point movement was similar to the hurt. Actually there are a lot of prayer and a hoax. So the other people look into the mischievous friend or brother. Lucky for them, the brother is easy. Own shown serious looks like mold and dependable. The other thing is that this was a serious character, not serious enough alone too. In school I did not not like one is serious. The ball was more alike with the default light. The applicant meets one of the smoke. The star, is angry with me is a lot of God-like feeling like part of the scene. Well, it seems that the representation. If you can do better than 90 percent postponed again seems to be. What is the most memorable advice. Coach got a lot of advice from them. The biggest advice is ' you with confidence, because the same side you want to die '. Another coach is limited to the ' 20s think that learning. You seem to have absorbed. Started as a good development concern and appear to be ' confident and sprayed. ' Hua-Yu-school presentation and 2015 "in the second when the work is more of a burden than flirted and cared for. You've overcome so much pressure. 7, 8 times a day since I had overcome the burden eased than thought. So when you think that could be the subject of traffic accident by smoking men fell in boron. You should not think that overwhelmed a try. It was also burdened with while enjoying the work I went to bring. The actors and their breathing. So-Hyun hit too well with. I felt no difference. I pray this is the adult, so-Hyun, called me a stupid brother teased. Breathing is also really good. Very nice this is so-Hyun. It really is in itself. Gideon lang have in common, so both games. Talk about the game, and talk about the movement and then got too friendly. Seems to have been a chapter taken Liam. So it was fine. Should be taken, too. Just like the students in the classroom, for instance, never for a second shot into left. If you shut up back quietly and let coach 10 seconds.At and not noticed what the stars when the non-and when I got put off by the star did some mind. A command was really acting Vung. Unthinkable what happened it was too impractical for acting on the mind. Angry, rather than a ridiculous situation I had in La ridiculous. And the closer to this ideal of a non-character. Is void. Want want protects defending letting. It seems that the stars alone survive well. It is my friends like a non-match. Want to see the work or character to challenge. During those days we liked the movies Taiwan girl ' would like to see a movie or drama of the pics like that. Foot love or the complete opposite as giving psycho-path, I'd love to see. I suggest that naïve and good boy image, because there's so much to reverse if you fully digest would not have a chance to do to reinvent me. I would like to see war movies pics. If you want to do the work if you want to with whom to meet. If the romance if you want to take back to a county and DAV. "Hua-Yu-do not clean the school in 2015 ' work a little sister I got a guy to love one woman for high school students would like to see another dip. Jo Jin Woong a thrilling work seniors for seniors and want to try or. Jo Jin Woong goes ' up to the end of this prominence came out to look at the ' very, very shocked. To the extent that the goose bumps are really paying attention realize that character. Looked with admiration a mind-blowing experience with such a character played by seniors if goose would have. Seniors will track out of me, it felt like. Who is a role model. Yoo Ah-in and share it with seniors seniors. Arts administration arts administration when the fluid high smoke smoke, if the action is action, if acting so well with different soap opera melodrama. That you want to be an actor. Where one does not want to be an actor come in. The happiest moment is when. The happiest moment as an actress, of course, when the delay. I feel my squeezes a smoke when you think of ourselves once in a while, then it's good too. Vetting and touching are happy. When parents and human-Nam-ju-hyeok, childhood friends feared would otherwise remarkably well when keossdago happy. Forward to the public which seems to want to learn. As an actress I want to hear a really good sound. Just when everyone is looking forward to the South was Joo-hyuk wants to be an actor. That's a lot, a lot of the time as yet for become a little trying to listen to him in the thirties. What is the goal of life. Once you buy an apartment to me in my parents next year now to. As an actor gets to look at the end really wants to be a good actor to long stays in the memory. Next year, the apartment seems to be able to run. Finally, a Word to the fans. When the model has given fans the likes of those from the end by the way a lot of us fans cheer. In the future, there are lots of different looking forward to the show. You'll be a great actress, model, tuned to the end will be appreciate. Do not let the disappointment.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
[Interview] 'huahyu - School 2015! M juhyeok, the rookie actress' passion putput +' .. charm UP brakes news telecast end recently yigyeongmi = reporters who KBS 2TV drama 'huahyu-School 2015 "Sirs not reverse in perfect sync rate Meet the new face actress looked to take juhyeok expand South-rolled at <Break News> 'huahyu-School 2015 "The actors, including the South juhyeok So Hyun KIM, re-training, Lee Pil-mo, a top, Kim, Hee - Jung, the chohui, josuhyang, Jeon Mi-seon, yidaeyeon, Jeon No-Min, etc. appeared. hyeokyi Nam-joo appeared KBS representative brand 'School' series of the 2015 version of "huahyu-School 2015" has put a frank and wide range of emotions experienced by an eighteen-year-old high school girl student life has changed in a day as a hero Nancy is a youth hakwonmul. South juhyeok are not strong swimmers took to play three Sirs station. He Pole early childhood crush on a friend goeunbyeol (So Hyun KIM minutes), but after goeunbyeol twins is like a brother to pretend yieunbi (So Hyun KIM minutes). TK ball (re-cultivate minutes) also yirumyeonseo a triangle with twin sisters showing the appearance of conflict between the end aroused curiosity about the love line. juhyeok directly south met a man who can feel the enthusiasm of a rookie actor putputham respectively. Take the early age of 20, one of his stories are endless development possibilities in the future. The following is a Q & juhyeok and South. huahyu-School 2015 "telecast end testimonies flies are not yet realized. It seems to be shooting soon. Once you are grateful dwaeseo receive a lot of attention has to be finished before the drama. "Huahyu-school 2015 through the work of" acting as an actor to do in the future happens, you will appreciate your efforts and try to fix that state you wait a bit and disadvantages . - gritty assess the 'huahyu School 2015 " about 95 points to give I want to. 5 is my mistake. The school is famous for periods of work wonak raise awareness actors or unknown rookie actor. But lack a lot of work has been so good to meet you thank you think. - Han characters and not in sync rate "huahyu School 2015 is 80%. Exercise more than that age out only player to hit this part and the adult points and movement were similar. In fact, there are many fun. So are the other cast-iron with a playful look at a lot of friends and his brother. Brother, an easy-to-type hanteneun. I want to become a serious look depending on type deumjik seemingly. Sirs proposal was different from the character that alone enough to seriously too seriously. Han has not seriously did not like school. Ball was similar TK yirang more. I smoke one satisfied. eunbyeol, Eunb ahswiwotda me a lot of god-like feeling like a part of the scene that anger. It seems not a good representation. If 90% seems to be postponed again can do better. What is the most memorable advice. give me a lot of advice to the bishop. The biggest advice was' Make confident you beautifully, '' Do you do everything you want to on the same side. Another bishop thinks that there is no limit for '20 versus actor. You seem to absorption. Is proud worries and concerns but started to develop and improve in 'high hasyeoseo increased confidence. "huahyu - School 2015" burdensome than the second film yiraseo seolregi press conference when he cared more. Whether the burden is overcome. 7, and 8 times than I haejyeotdaneun from side to overcome the period when the burden was. So the smoke was in a car accident when you think about menbung to jindago easier. Do not place the burden times.- thought it would. It was fun while work took with the pressure. Breathing with the actors. sohyeon yirang is fitted so well. Age difference was not felt at all. Sohyeon this had grown seureopgido, made ​​fun of my brother called me stupid. Breathing also hit really well. Sohyeon This is so nice on It was Eunb itself Trang Gideon is there in common, like the wonak both games. Play games and talk, talk, and exercise Then I saw became too friendly. It seems also liked the set atmosphere was good too. To be photographed, she listened floating too. Tteodeuleoseo had never taken this into a moment not like students in classroom. Let even though the bishop was loud again 10 seconds silence. When something is not noticed in the movie goeunbyeol the yieunbi and when did you smoke goeunbyeol came back with some heart was really menbung of smoke. Georaseo this unimaginable happened it seems to have a smoke on an empty mind too. Angry mad because there was no ridiculous situations rather than. goeunbyeol closer to the ideal character of yieunbi. The Eunb. I want to keep giving chaenggyeojugo want to want to give it protection. Eunbyeol this seems to be well survive alone. Eunb my dreams like a friend. Do you want to see and challenge the work and character. During Taiwanese film "In those days we loved girl, I want to take that feeling of a movie or a drama. It is also lively love or want to try acting a psycho path to a character that is completely the opposite. If you would like to naïve and good boy image out there, so try to reverse so as not fully digested the opportunity to rediscover that for me. I want to see war movies to take. If you want to meet and work with who you want. If you want to take and re-take the romance So Hyun KIM. 'Huahyu-School 2015 "I want to take a bit of work in just for girls gotta love a man I got a sister in high school melodrama unclean thrilling work jojinung seniors or daeseonbae want to try and nimdeul. Looking at the jojinung 'A Hard Day' seniors came out was very shocked. I saw an eye, so this creepy character is embossed. If you saw the movie because while admiring with seniors who played such a character kkichilkka how a goose. Follow me feel like fall seniors la closet. Who is the role model. The infant seniors and seniors sharing. Discreet Smoke Discreet Smoke sly sly face action if the action, if the Melo Melo speaks several smoke too well. Then I want to be an actor. Where I want to be an actor not wanting one come in. The happiest moment is when. The happiest moment as an actor, of course, is when you smoke. The time to think within themselves feel better once the smoke, then it is too good. Check with touches happy moments. South juhyeok days when human happiness when hadeora keotdago haves differently too well that my parents and friends concerned about my childhood. You want to look forward to the public by any actor. I really want to hear the sound of the smoke jalhanneun as an actor. Just Nam-joo hyeokyi everyone wants to be an actor that is expected to naondago. Lotta is still young enough time to become that much, a lot of effort to want to hear those words inside 30. . that the goal of life is what one now is offering four goals to his parents in an apartment next year. As an actor I want to be really gets a good look at the end of a long and memorable actors. Next to the apartments it seems to be able to run. Finally, a word to fans who like to model the way a lot of fans also fans who cheer us on from the time the end. We look forward to are lots of different crabs show. A wonderful actress, model'll be watching will appreciate the end. I'll not be disappointed by.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Mlle interview. after-school "South Hyuk by 2015, new actors of the 'Passion' Poot Poot. charm ㅜ UP! Break News Reporter Lee Kyung-mi recently wrapped KBS 2 TV drama "Mlle after school in 2015 perfect sink for fine-tuning, the actress who played the actor South Hyuk, we met at Break News. "Mlle ㅜ after-school by 2015, including the South Hyuk actress Kim So-hyun, and re-development, Phil, David, Kim Hee-jeong, the second-hee, a former Mi-hyang, and the supporting cast, including former union Min. Top
South Hyuk starring the KBS major brand names "School" series 2015 version of 'advertise - 2015 school of life has changed overnight to eighteen-year-old high school girl students have is the main character, Frank, and shows various emotions of the youth academies. Top
South Hyuk-character of the river, and a swimmer. He is very casual openness and early Stars (Kim So-hyun) in love, and since the twin brother Pretend-bi (Kim So-hyun) will be like.Taekwang Industry cooperation (re-minutes) with a love triangle, but a conflict between the twin sisters of the last of the curious about the love Line. back to top
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I directly, but the new actor Hyuk, and passion of the Poot Poot can feel only a man. At age 20 in their early twenties, and potential in the future to listen to some of the Endless Opportunities for him. Top
The following is an interview with Hyuk. Back to top
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Mlle after school drama "How do you feel about 2015. Top
still hasn't really hit me. We'll have to take pictures as soon as possible.The drama was over, that is a lot of attention and I am glad to be grateful for. "Mlle after-school' by 2015 through the works as an actor "Smoke what to do, how to fix a weakness and try to keep the state and wait would be appreciated. Back to top
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'advertise - schools' 2015 to evaluate it. Back to top
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about 95 points, I wanted to. 5 points for my mistake. So the new actors in school or unknown actors that increases recognition is famous for.Too much, but lack of good works, and appreciate the. Top
"Mlle after school in 2015, characters and a sink in the rate. Top
80 percent. In the athletes, but the more than some others argue that age and movement, and that it is a part of and is similar. In fact, many mischief. So you have many friends or playful treatment, the brother. My brother, who isn't easy. It has its serious and manly who speaks my brother, and I would like to go. Top
The difference is that it is a very serious goofing off to himself, which was character. The school is not as serious. The furrows of Taekwang more is similar. Back to top
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I am satisfied with the performance. Back to top
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the stars, never got mad at the scene, such as emotions, just like a lot of the bogey. representation seems not to be well. If you smoke again 90 percent better. Back to top
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most memorable advice? Coach back to top
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I got a lot of advice.The biggest advice like you confidently, said the same thing, you don't want to do it. In addition, the manager said that "20 great actor who has no limits. You have to absorb it. Although they started out as a worry and concern to development, so it is very proud of our self-confidence increased. Top
"Mlle after school "rambling during 2015 when second movie rather than burden because it is more excited about it. The pressure has been overcome. Top
7When the eighth overcame pressure rather than a scalpel. I think the smoke is easy when he fell into the air, in a car accident. Do not attempt to put a pressure too crumby thought. Works with pressure while Monday. With ㅜ actors breath. Back to top
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I moved too good right now. age difference at all. This is the hairstyle you prayed, "My stupid brother teased. breathing was really good.So-hyun, is too nice. I really was itself. Top
Sung Jae rang in common, and so both games, the better I like it. games, and movement, and then I became friendly, too. Top
shooting atmosphere was good. Top
so good. Shooting should, too loud. classroom where a clamor as students and can't wait to photograph he had entered. The coach 10 seconds again even though he quietly shut up. Top
The movie stars, but the Vienna I noticed that when the stars, and when he came back to his mind what did Mendel shelf back to top
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I of acting. I can't imagine it so happened that the smoke was discouraging. I'm angry with a leaner because ludicrous. Back to top
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the stars, and the closer to the ideal of character. Back to top
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the rain. I want to guard and protect them, and I want to take care.The stars will survive with himself. The non-ideal friend. I'd like to see more back to top
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challenge or character? Top
Taiwan cinema, "When we were young girls who loved the movies and soap operas' feeling to it. Poot Poot love or completely opposite character psycho pass also wanted to delay. Top
I'm a good little boy, innocent and sight as an image because of the anti-war, there have played so perfectly to rediscover the opportunity to would be. war movies, I want to see it. Back to top
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if I want to work with anyone, but if I want to do. Back to top
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if taken again Romance Kim So-hyun and if you want to shoot."Mlle after-school in 2015 by 'not clean a Little Sisters of the love of a man and a woman, but has become a high school student, I'd love to see melodrama. Top
thrilling works of the "Don't be stupid or Taiwan Jinung anyway, I want to see. "Don't be stupid" after the Jinung goes to the end of the "the very shocked. goosebumps Puss saw enough to watch it.Wow, because I saw that movie "Don't be stupid delayed character with how if creepy enough? Follow me anyway; it seemed. Top
roll model? "Don't be stupid ㅜ Yoo ain share anyway. If guile guile satisfactory performance satisfactory performance, action, action, and the melodrama melodrama several smoke too well. I want to be an actor. go where no one wanted to be an actor. Top
the happiest moment in time. Top
As an actor, of course, the happiest moment when delay. My own smoke once a good feeling when I think, it was too good. I feel the moments when she is happy. When human South Hyuk, her parents and friends feared childhood and hurting differently when vehement happiness so well. Back to top
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in front of the public to learn what I wanted to look. Back to top
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as an actor is really good acting, listening to the sound.Everyone is just some corners Hyuk left when the expectations want to be an actor. In order to be so little time, but there are many, many efforts in the 30 because he wanted to listen. Back to top
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what the goal in life. Back to top
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now once within the next year, my parents told me I'll give you my goal is to apartment. At the end of the actor, I really have to remember that for a long time I wanted to be a good actor. Next year, you can run the apartment. Top
Finally, a word to fans. When ㅜ model from fans like me who so I gave to the end of the fan and there are many. I will show you the many different. Actor, model, will be seen to the end would be appreciated. I will not be disappointed to give you. back to top
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