2. with respect to the character, [edit]The rough was described in the article cat ' Miya ' and asked me to return the original rough was a wish come from another dimension as a side effect of being rough bulreooge of the future, the U.S. will lose the memories. Hidden in the rough has been normal, the body disappeared and wish to reclaim the memory of Miya's stone to look for runner.Owing to the popularity of the rough hidden character named released as a nominal character. Create a new caravan, how annoying ... So there is only one discards the character Abel .. noblesse On April 24, pre-sale antagonisms premium package is 12900 cache, basic package was sold to the cache the 8900. As with other 69900TR characters unique options, a fast-rising and fell is the item before the penguins shot: a 25% reduced consumption in the dash.From that sum to 15 fraud stats of the character or the behavior of the other characters like son Goku: compared to the anger. If you ski the ski map, hidden off a pro snowboarding without motors. Actions are also very gorgeous! but the problem is that except for some rough design and echoes of motion! The Ambassador is also the same as the rough and, except for a special motion forward and running rough. # With this sort of thing to eat ... selling a cache At the beginning of the jumping action is similar to the motion or otherwise had the controversial Kai. Son Goku and motion is nearly identical. Echoes live runnerUnlike the existing characters in the initial sale price, selling 7,500 cache cache. Hmm a little. On April 24, instead of on May 7 in progress from the hoop quest to hidden rough was able to get it for free. Of course, to get it for free ' hoop ' boasts a huge labor was needed. Repeat random occurrence around the map quest a ruling ' cat's desire to ' bring to 50 gathered behind astrologers ' Integer ' 1 out of the Moonlight, and out onto the cat's desire 20 dogs and low probability of God gathers one marker ' Alchemist ' transcendence stones bring to Mister ', one that is hidden in the rough to get the stone of Moonlight transcends the integer 5, 6. For this purpose, divine marker 6 dog and cat's desire was 370. As a result, people who like getting it for free is a game room or as a block map, no hyper speed jumped vary.The new character before release into the hidden rough as ' Woo ' huh?! Come rumors that ddeodolassjiman this user turned out to be synthesized. And God appeared in the cartoon cat character big Bob ' Miya ' saw young people knew God character Miya cat how someone had been inconceivable uproar Ka.
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