Min-Kyu/today ...It was a very special day!! Today seventeen Iran about the team ... It was me being formally publicized. And was appointed a member expression!! Not at all ...Was unaware of the situation, followed by ... I really amazed. Seventeen groups of initials carved on the ... Even with the ring received!! Seventeen as long together, but ... I was always uneasy feeling ... NIP formally ...Listen I do. ..Be retaken and ...Tingle and palpitations ... Heard several feelings are ... As much as I ... Seventeen and. .. Along with the ... Its hard work and sweat them in vain ... Forward wanting more power you have to pay!. .. Seventeen all. .. So let us love and fighting!! Suk-min is the date of birth/pregnancy today seven ~ ~!!!@ Today by Vice President and Representative Director Mr. d. Manager Lisa brothers gathered together all of the teachers, members were appointed by the expression ~ ~ our little finger is called the self written name of seventeen was squealing into the ring is something you feel Oh had numerously huh huh .. Furthermore, only seventeen had a sign of too good chuckles now became real when you're airborne!!! Everyone with the heart to work harder and grow with one of the more modest goal of us and to the people that dream! I love all really fighting and seventeen ~ ♡ ^^ S.coups/today by Vice President company representatives who announced the formal members and seventeen members are welcome to ring and he gave us a gift. 13 people, but now I am wearing a ring on the same day, refrained from bottled to tears. Sometimes practice is harder to loosen criteria for myself, looking back to when Ivan seems to be able to catch all the heart. And (although already family) members, whether it's a good motivation of being able to think like family always seems to be. Ivan continues straight through one of the seventeen teams do not forget when you have together. Let's not forget the love today! W/today, seventeen were awarded the ring ceremony to ring, even seventeen huge squealing engraved ring, which was fantastic. It was a pleasant surprise to see them tear up so was the firstborn ㅜ older brother coops brother stay tuned for all of us from the beginning to put the PD's will eventually tear he has to steal heh heh heh (after rocking teased!! blah blah) but I had a bumpy's message very representative. Seventeen was a tough hit the jackpot as I now ㅜ ㅜ Won-Woo/today is a good day to feel delighted. Called me in Calgary, Canada, was known only to evaluate us and suddenly Hermione gave a great gift. I'm sure our presence as a group. Initially named ' presentation full members by the time I heard the expression ' subject to honestly be retaken. So far I have come up with some tough days good days, is spared. But it was a feel-good spot representative's widow gave me a lot of good word boss. Dear one by representative members of the ring were really frowns upon receiving hugs. And formally recognized as a member of a team that was given was very glad, heh ... The ring design is also so nice and positive will happen every time you look forward to the IBAN only think and if I was a little lazy, lazy or Ivan can give me that seems to be to hold back. Remember today heh heh heh ... For the sake of the team and we look forward to PLEDIS, harder and further making me more tastefully more appealing to our team as far as our company is gracing the lines can make light that artists would be squealing so thank you and good day. Seventeen because me and formed the team ..!! Have a special day today-Jun/we've appointed seventeen expression seems to be a team we really, heh heh heh, but a very pretty ring finger should not feel too great though the cursor entered the ㅠ ㅠ ~ ~ ~ seventeen ~ ~ man ~ ~(* I'm getting the ring changed formatting, and Ji-Hoon after the original owner was looking ^ ^) Friendly/unknown to the seventeen were scheduled for today. Evaluation of lightning strike on me suddenly called away we have to clean up, such as the Organization and was a vocal songAnd just in time for the company, both those who come, and the lights turned on and. .. And the Lord said to put the PD. .. Members are appointed by the expression ...This was more fun not knowingIt seems that was. Seventeen members of a quite and is one of the one ring, the members felt when they don't know what it is not phrased as riddles of the proud flagMinutes. Ivan chuckles every time you look at a too-I feel good now, it's hard to look at whenever I'm the power ring. Seventeen guys felt the ring like adidas.Let the heart as one black man!!!ㅎ ㅎ Myung Ho/was today appointed seventeen Member expression. Representatives from seventeen into the ring. I'm so cool blah meal became one more carpeted Ivan will think of us.!^^ I feel very nice ㅎ ㅎGoing forward, we will work harder. Finally, the seventeen jackpot I now!! Seventeen Joo.!!!~ Chan was appointed as a member expression represents a squealing/today's Vice President teachers come directly from proceeded ㅎ ㅎAt first we thought the evaluation and prepare to ... you know.When I start a formal member appointed by the expression. ..^^;;;;; (The teachers are like us, and Agassi than me heh heh) too frightened and feel good and above all, representatives from each of the seventeen members of the initials engraved directly in!!!! Thank you for directly into the ring was more impressive ^ ^That moment I was so happy and emotional subject, it was hard to heh heh heh represented wearing the ring was the first to hear the Word application submitted by Reddy's lab when it came to think it over, and then it was back to the passion burning feeling!!!!There will always be a stooge, but please be ... Looks like it was just yesterday ... wish I was called. I really be able to help so many people in the geureogiwihae: thank you for that and thank you again. ㅎ ㅎ ㅎThe forward is really seventeen Oh ~ ~ Rae hope and long!! It will be clear in the history singers ^ ^ thank you!!♡♡ And today was the team appointed dietary. At first, the teachers know that today's screening times, was nominated for a ton of stress was the fortunate expression. Further, as the formal installation ceremony, and it felt like a team. Getting closer. We will work hard to further the same mental at a later date. It is a special day today in Vernon/our members have been given them official members of the ring.This seemed to really know that wearing one-per-share and together in the wake of this, heh heh also took heart. Forward always wears around me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ alternatives to be taken off. Ji-Hoon/today, representatives from seventeen gave the ring into the squealing hihi team between coupling (?)I feel that more tightly together, heh heh, now finally we're being formally seven Tin ... Seven Tin we're ... The idea and, by this time it was up to Iran's team made good, seventeen days, sad, and many accidents were painted in all those things in my head. We have 13 people together now as long as you made it harder in the future, all the seventeen Iran under the name stage impresses many people in fancy wish I could be a singer Dame vamonos all heh heh heh Apart from children, said Kristen/received the ring today, seventeen ...I really had mixed feelings when I was new. We seem to be a real oneChildhood, I dreamed of being one with the things that seem to be so happy and regrets. There are many getting a ring.Its been difficult and heart-sick things over time, memories, and practice rooms for the first time I remember them vividly till now since I came in. For the sake of the US biological father by providing representation and wealth like a boss so thank you as always on the side of the teachers to thank you even care!!And yet, for a long time for us to do me a map waiting for another family. For those fans!!Please believe is responsible for our families and we'll kill the faucet. I love you ♥
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