White County is a what a café drink? don't like coffee in the Café, asking often was not, but that he expected the Chair back suddenly eyes the fence face as a grapefruit to laugh I shoot ADE? ㅠ ㅠ ㅜ ping kyung crosses pretty
Byun Baek-hyun is a cafe to drink something goes detractors, but do not go to cafes often do not like the coffee in question, expects to geudam chair back suddenly he laughed eye face hitting downsized grapefruit Aid? Ssoyo ㅠㅠㅜ pingkyung will cross gra
bai yin "can you drink coffee, do not like do not often go to the coffee shop, but then suddenly look back on the chair, he is to meet with you. you laugh at me ㅠ ㅠ ㅜ 큥 drugs out of the bad