다른 것뿐이야 절대 틀린 게 아니야시험이 아니야 정답은 없어 This is love하이가 말했지 사랑 집착의 Best Frie การแปล - 다른 것뿐이야 절대 틀린 게 아니야시험이 아니야 정답은 없어 This is love하이가 말했지 사랑 집착의 Best Frie อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

다른 것뿐이야 절대 틀린 게 아니야시험이 아니야 정답은 없어 T

다른 것뿐이야 절대 틀린 게 아니야
시험이 아니야 정답은 없어 This is love

하이가 말했지 사랑 집착의 Best Friend
넌 말해 내게 조금만 참고 relax 해
그렇게 쉽게 되면 괜히 사랑이겠어?
나에게 맞춰 바꾸려 너를 아프게 매질했어

튕겨져 나가 나란 벽에 니가 부딪혀서
두려워 혼자인 모습 자꾸 거울에 비쳐서
그래서 널 더욱 옭아매고 가두려해
도망가려 하지 마 이해하는 게 훨씬 편해

Credit / 轉載請註明出處: http://kpoplyricsbigbang.blogspot.com/2013/04/2000won-lee-hi-love-way-you-lie.html#ixzz2RbSA08no
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
'm Never wrong, I'm not high this is love

test is not the correct answer is not told of the love obsession best friend
you tell me a little note to relax so easily

or nothing, I love, you want to fit you. hurting the medium did side-by-side on the wall I bounce

afraid to bump you look myself in the mirror again bichyeoseo
So much to understand further implicate you consider the street tied Do not try to run away.

credit / 转载 请 注明 出处: http :/ / kpoplyricsbigbang.blogspot.com/2013/04/2000won-lee-hi-love-way-you-lie.html # ixzz2rbsa08no
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
If nothing else, it's just there's no absolute wrong
test is not the correct answer is not This is love

I love obsession he said Best Friend and tell me please do relax

you're so easily gets puffy love? I guess I broke you want to replace
beatings did

go conformation was thrown against the wall, you're afraid to look in the mirror and being alone and keep slamming
to prevent further abuse and as
so you can confine
don't understand trying to get away much easier

Credit/ming chu chu 請 註 zai zhuan: http://kpoplyricsbigbang.blogspot.com/2013/04/2000won-lee-hi-love-way-you-lie.html#ixzz2RbSA08no
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
It's another 'Top
test is absolutely wrong answer is no no This is love top
back to top
the obsession with love of you Best Friend top
you tell me a little bit, but note relax me so easily back to top
I wouldn' is love? top
I tried to change the hurt you've beaten ㅜ popped out, go to the wall and crashed into a single image back to top
fear keeps the mirror back to top
I smote you two more nets and tried to run back to top
don't try to understand a lot more comfortable ㅜ Credit/become objectionable Che helped upon request by the actions:// kpoplyricsbigbang. blogspot. com / 2013 / 04 / 2000 won - Lee - hi-love-way-you-lie.html # ixzz 2 RbSA 08 No.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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